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An Action is a code-based operation that runs where that Action is mounted. Actions run when a user clicks the corresponding user prompt in Flatfile.


Workbook & Sheet-mounted Actions are configured within a object, while File-mounted actions are appended to the file during the upload process.

The executable code within an Action is compiled into a entity, providing the capability to run asynchronously or immediately.

Sheet-mounted actions can be executed on the entire Sheet, for a filtered view of the Sheet, or selectively for the chosen records.


Once a user has extracted and mapped data into a , it may be more efficient to run an operation on the entire dataset rather than making atomic transformations at the record- or field-level.

For example:

  • Sending a webhook that notifies your API of the data’s readiness
  • Populating a Sheet with data from another source
  • Adding two different fields together after a user review’s initial validation checks
  • Moving valid data from an editable Sheet to a read-only Sheet

Workbook-mounted actions are represented as buttons in the top right of the Workbook.


First, configure your action on your Blueprint.

If you configure primary: true on an Action, it will be represented as the rightmost button in the Workbook.

If you configure trackChanges: true, it will disable your actions until all commits are complete (usually data hooks).

//your workbook should have an action that looks like this
actions: [
    operation: 'submitActionFg',
    mode: 'foreground',
    label: 'Submit data elsewhere',
    type: 'string',
    description: 'Submit this data to a webhook.',
    primary: true,
settings: {
  trackChanges: true,

Next, listen for a job:ready and filter on the job you’d like to process. Be sure to complete the job when it’s complete.

  { job: "workbook:submitAction" },
  async (event: FlatfileEvent) => {
    const { jobId, workbookId } = event.context;
    const { data: workbook } = await api.workbooks.get(workbookId);
    const { data: workbookSheets } = await api.sheets.list({ workbookId });

    const sheets = [];
    for (const [_, element] of workbookSheets.entries()) {
      const { data: records } = await api.records.get(;

    try {
      await, {
        info: "Starting job to submit action to",
        progress: 10,

      // TODO: place your webhook url here
      const webhookReceiver = "";

      const response = await fetch(webhookReceiver, {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": "application/json",
        body: JSON.stringify({
          workbook: {

      if (response.status === 200) {
        const responseData = await response.json();
        const rejections = responseData.rejections;

        if (rejections) {
          const outcome = await responseRejectionHandler(rejections);
          await, outcome);
        await, {
          outcome: {
            message: `Data was successfully submitted to Go check it out at ${webhookReceiver}.`,
      } else {
        throw new Error("Failed to submit data to");
    } catch (error) {
      await, {
        outcome: {
            "This job failed probably because it couldn't find the URL.",
// See full code example (


Document-mounted actions are similar to Workbook-mounted actions. They appear in the top right corner of your Document:

Read more about Documents here.


Define Document-mounted Actions using the actions parameter when you create a Document.

If you configure primary: true on an Action, it will be represented as the rightmost button in the Document.

import api from "@flatfile/api";

export default function flatfileEventListener(listener) {
  listener.on("file:created", async ({ context: { spaceId, fileId } }) => {
    const fileName = (await api.files.get(fileId));
    const bodyText =
      "# Welcome\n" +
      "### Say hello to your first customer Space in the new Flatfile!\n" +
      "Let's begin by first getting acquainted with what you're seeing in your Space initially.\n" +
      "---\n" +
      "Your uploaded file, ${fileName}, is located in the Files area.";

    const doc = await api.documents.create(spaceId, {
      title: "Getting Started",
      body: bodyText,
      actions: [
          label: "Submit",
          operation: "contacts:submit",
          description: "Would you like to submit the contact data?",
          tooltip: "Submit the contact data",
          mode: "foreground",
          primary: true,
          confirm: true,

See full code example in our flatfile-docs-kitchen-sink Github repo.

In your listener, listen for the job’s event and perform your desired operations.

export default function flatfileEventListener(listener) {
    { job: "document:contacts:submit" },
    async (event) => {
      const { context, payload } = event;
      const { jobId, workbookId } = context;

      try {
        await, {
          info: "Starting submit job...",
          // "progress" value must be a whole integer
          progress: 10,
          estimatedCompletionAt: new Date("Tue Aug 23 2023 16:19:42 GMT-0700"),

        // Do your work here

        await, {
          outcome: {
            message: `Submit job was completed succesfully.`,
      } catch (error) {
        console.log(`There was an error: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
        await, {
          outcome: {
            message: `This job failed.`,


Each Sheet has built-in Actions like download.

Sheet-mounted actions are represented as a dropdown in the toolbar of the Sheet.


First, configure your action on your Blueprint.

sheets : [
    name: "Sheet Name",
    actions: [
        operation: 'duplicate',
        mode: 'background',
        label: 'Duplicate selected names',
        description: 'Duplicate names for selected rows',
        primary: true,

Next, listen for a job:ready and filter on the domain (sheet) and the operation of where the action was placed. Be sure to complete to job when it’s complete.

  { job: "sheet:duplicate" },
  async ({ context: { jobId } }) => {
    try {
      await, {
        info: "Getting started.",
        // "progress" value must be a whole integer
        progress: 10,
        estimatedCompletionAt: new Date("Tue Aug 23 2023 16:19:42 GMT-0700"),

      // Do your work here

      await, {
        info: "This job is now complete.",
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Error:", error.stack);

      await, {
        info: "This job did not work.",

Get the example in the getting-started repo

Retrieving data

Data from the Sheet can be retrieved either by calling the API with records.get or through data passed in through Here are some examples demonstrating how you can extract data from a Sheet-mounted action:

From the entire Sheet

This method allows you to access and process data from the complete Sheet, regardless of the current view or selected records.

//inside listener.on()

const { jobId, sheetId } = event.context;

//retrieve all records from sheet
const response = await api.records.get(sheetId);

//print records

From a filtered view of the Sheet

By applying filters to the Sheet, you can narrow down the data based on specific criteria. This enables you to retrieve and work with a subset of records that meet the defined filter conditions. returns a promise resolving to an object with a records property so we extract the records property directly from the object.

If rows are selected, only the corresponding records will be passed through the event for further processing.

//inside listener.on()
const { jobId } = event.context;
const { records } = await;

try {
  if (!records || records.length === 0) {
    console.log("No rows were selected or in view.");
    await, {
      outcome: {
        message: "No rows were selected or in view, please try again.",

  //print records

  await, {
    outcome: {
      message: "Records were printed to console, check it out.",
} catch (error) {
  console.log(`Error: ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`);

  await, {
    outcome: {
      message: "This action failed, check logs.",

For chosen records

When rows are selected, will only extract information exclusively for the chosen records, providing focused data retrieval for targeted analysis or operations. returns a promise resolving to an object with a records property so we extract the records property directly from the object.

This code is the same as the filtered view of the Sheet.
//inside listener.on()
const { jobId } = event.context;
const { records } = await;

try {
  if (!records || records.length === 0) {
    console.log("No rows were selected or in view.");
    await, {
      outcome: {
        message: "No rows were selected or in view, please try again.",

  //print records

  await, {
    outcome: {
      message: "Records were printed to console, check it out.",
} catch (error) {
  console.log(`Error: ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`);

  await, {
    outcome: {
      message: "This action failed, check logs.",


Each file has built-in actions like Delete and Download.

File-mounted actions are represented as a dropdown menu for each file in the Files list. You can attach additional actions to a File.


First, listen for a file:ready event and add one or more actions to the file.

listener.on("file:created", async ({ context: { fileId } }) => {
  const file = await api.files.get(fileId);
  const actions = || [];
  const newActions = [
      operation: "logFileContents",
      label: "Log File Metadata",
      description: "This will log the file metadata.",
      operation: "decryptAction",
      label: "Decrypt File",
      description: "This will create a new decrypted file.",
  await api.files.update(fileId, {
    actions: newActions,

Next, listen for job:ready and filter on the domain (file) and the operation of where the Action was placed. Be sure to complete to job when it’s complete.

//when the button is clicked in the file dropdown

  { job: "file:logFileContents" },
  async ({ context: { fileId, jobId } }) => {
    await acknowledgeJob(jobId, "Gettin started.", 10);

    const file = await api.files.get(fileId);
    console.log({ file });

    await completeJob(jobId, "Logging file contents is complete.");

  { job: "file:decryptAction" },
  async ({ context: { spaceId, fileId, jobId, environmentId } }) => {
    try {
      await acknowledgeJob(jobId, "Gettin started.", 10);

      const fileResponse = await api.files.get(fileId);

      const buffer = await getFileBufferFromApi(fileId);
      const { name, ext } =;
      const newFileName = name
        ? name.split(".")[0] + "[Decrypted]." + ext
        : "DecryptedFile.csv";

      const formData = new FormData();
      formData.append("file", buffer, { filename: newFileName });
      formData.append("spaceId", spaceId);
      formData.append("environmentId", environmentId);

      await uploadDecryptedFile(formData);

      await completeJob(jobId, "Decrypting is now complete.");
    } catch (e) {
      await failJob(jobId, "The decryption job failed.");

async function acknowledgeJob(jobId, info, progress, estimatedCompletionAt) {
  await, {

async function completeJob(jobId, message) {
  await, {
    outcome: {

async function failJob(jobId, message) {
  await, {
    outcome: {

Get the example in the flatfile-docs-kitchen-sink ts or flatfile-docs-kitchen-sink js repo

Actions with Input Forms

If you configure input fields for your action, a secondary dialog will be presented to the end user, prompting them to provide the necessary information. Once the user has entered the required details, they can proceed with the action.


First, configure your action to have an inputForm on your Blueprint. These will appear once the action button is clicked.

actions: [
    operation: "submitActionFg",
    mode: "foreground",
    label: "Submit data elsewhere",
    type: "string",
    description: "Submit this data to a webhook.",
    primary: true,
    inputForm: {
      type: "simple",
      fields: [
          key: "priority",
          label: "Priority level",
          description: "Set the priority level.",
          type: "enum",
          defaultValue: "80ce8718a21c",
          config: {
            options: [
                value: "80ce8718a21c",
                label: "High Priority",
                  "Setting a value to High Priority means it will be prioritized over other values",
          constraints: [
              type: "required",

Next, listen for a job:ready and filter on the job you’d like to process. Grab the data entered in the form from the job itself and leverage it as required for your use case.

import api from "@flatfile/api";

export default async function (listener) {
    { job: "workbook:actionWithInput" },
    async (event) => {
      const { jobId } = event.context;

      try {
        await, {
          info: "Acknowledging job",
          progress: 1,

        // retrieve input
        const { data: job } = await;
        const input = job.input;
        console.log({ input });

        // do something with input...

        await, {
          outcome: {
            message: "Action was successful",
      } catch (error) {
        await, {
          outcome: {
            message: "Action failed",

Actions with Constraints


Workbook & Sheet-mounted

  1. Adding a hasAllValid constraint on an Action will disable a Workbook Action when there are invalid records.
  2. Adding a hasData on an Action will disable a Workbook Action when there are no records.
actions: [
    operation: 'submitActionFg',
    mode: 'foreground',
    label: 'Submit data elsewhere',
    description: 'Submit this data to a webhook.',
    primary: true,
    constraints: [{ type: 'hasAllValid'},{ type: 'hasData' }]

Sheet-Mounted only

Adding a constraint of hasSelection on an Action will disable a Sheet Action when no records in the Sheet are selected.

sheets : [
    name: "Sheet Name",
    actions: [
        operation: 'duplicate',
        mode: 'background',
        label: 'Duplicate selected names',
        description: 'Duplicate names for selected rows',
        constraints: [{ type: 'hasSelection' }],
        primary: true,

Actions with Messages

Add custom messages to actions, tailored according to their state:

  • Error
  • Info

These messages will be displayed as tooltips when users hover over an action, providing context-specific text that corresponds to the action’s current state. When an error message is present on an action, the action will be disabled.


Simply add a messages property to your action configuration. This property should be an array of objects, each specifying a message type and its content.

  actions: [
      operation: 'duplicate',
      mode: 'background',
      label: 'Duplicate selected names',
      description: 'Duplicate names for selected rows',
      messages: [
        { type: 'error', content: 'This is an error message' },
      primary: true,

Example Project

Find the documents example in the Flatfile GitHub repository.